Dear Parents,
Our Parent Ambassador Kick Off Meeting was a success! Parents came, great ideas were shared and initial plans were made. There’s still time for parents to get involved and we’re counting on all of you!
Our first big push is to promote our Catholic Schools Week events. Let’s get prospective families into our school and show them why WE LOVE IT!
The kids will celebrate daily with fun activities just for them, but we also have several opportunities to show off to prospective families and the whole neighborhood.
We NEED your help promoting these activities so that others in our community might share in the experience that is St. Nicholas Cathedral School. See the attached flyer for details of our events.
Here are 5 things you can to IMMEDIATELY to help us have a successful Catholic Schools Week:
5. Come to a PA meeting this Thursday Night, January 16 to help plan!
7-8 pm in the Church’s Lower Level.
4. Help at our Admissions Events (See the flyer for details of events!
Email to [email protected] for details.
3. Reach OUT! If you’re a member of a neighboring church with no school, or a neighborhood groups, ask if you can post posters and pass out flyers after mass January 18-19.
2. Write a Review! Go on,, etc. and write positive reviews of the school. Engage in positive conversations that endorse St. Nicholas School on parent or education blogs.
1. Post 10 flyers! Post in local businesses and shops (flyers will be distributed through backpacks this week…make sure to get permission FIRST!)
Our next meeting is THIS THURSDAY NIGHT FROM 7-8 in the Church Basement.
We appreciate your support in promoting OUR SCHOOL which serves Catholic children from several surrounding parishes.
Jodi Thyen
Marketing Director
The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2014 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The annual observance starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week, which in 2014 is January 26 to February 1. Schools typically celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Masses, open houses, and other activities for students, families, parishioners, and the community at large.The 2014 theme was developed in response to member requests for a theme and logo that would last more than a year, the new theme will be used for at least three years. This will provide opportunities for schools to brand the week and their ongoing marketing activities with repeated mentions and use of a consistent logo. It’s especially appropriate that this new brand will mark National Catholic Schools Week 2014-the 40th anniversary of this annual event. |
The theme encompasses several concepts that are at the heart of a Catholic education. First, schools are communities—small families in their own right, but also members of the larger community of home, church, city and nation. Faith, knowledge and service are three measures by which any Catholic school can and should be judged.The new logo features a swirl of colors interacting around a cross, which is at the center of all Catholic education. The vibrancy of the colors and the movement and shadows in the logo portray the inner connectivity and community life that are present in our Catholic schools. |