Math: Our online interactive Moby Max program is available to any child PreK-8. From arithmetic to algebra, fractions to measurement, Moby Max features exercises and skills that help reinforce and individualize classroom lessons at home.
Library/Reading: We have classroom libraries. St. Nicholas believes that reading is very important. Research shows that reading improves a child’s ability to concentrate, exposes them to new concepts and discoveries and broadens their horizons. We require students to read for thirty minutes every evening.
Technology: Starting as early as Pre-K, all St. Nicholas students have access to age-appropriate technology. Our STEAM lab gives students the opportunity to use their basic computer skills and offers them a place to complete assignments that require access to the web – offering them a first-hand experience in effecting data research methodologies.
Language: Every child from grade K-8 is required to participate in the study of a foreign language. We offer the choice of Ukrainian or Spanish.
Music: All students enjoy weekly musical instruction. Lower grade teachers integrate songs and music throughout the day. Our all-school, weekly student-led assemblies and the school’s annual plays in the winter and spring draw heavily on these skills.
Physical Education: All students have twenty-five minutes of recess daily and two 45-minute periods of gym per week.
Lunchtime: This is an important time to refuel our bodies and socialize with friends. Students can buy a hot lunch or may bring a sack lunch from home. Healthy eaters are better learners. Pre-school and kindergarten students eat lunch prior to the older students, allowing our younger students their own time together to eat, play and socialize.
School Culture
Students have the option to join and participate in the following school clubs:
- School Choir
- Art Club
- Student Government
- Be Nice Club
- Drama Club
- Sodality
- Science Club